What is FlexiLimit and how to set it up?

FlexiLimit informs you free of charge of about the monthly spending for all paid services on the phone number. Set up an individual limit in whole hundreds of CZK, and when you reach 75 % and 100 % of the set amount we will send you an information SMS. If you want to block your number upon reaching the limit to be sure that you will not spend anything above the limit we have a special service - FlexiCeiling for you.

FlexiLimit will include all monthly fixed charges, one-off and penalization charges, services beyond the tariff and bundles, roaming services, Audiotex and Premium SMS.

How do I activate, change or cancel FlexiLimit?
Internet Self Care

In the Internet Self Care find the menu Setting of services and go to the Bill and limits settings section.

Voice Self Care

Call the Voice Self Care at *77.

  • Select Bill, payment, current spending.
  • Current spending.
  • Costs under control.
  • Select Flexilimit.

For setup you will need an administrator password. The settings will take effect immediately. We will inform you about the settings in an SMS.

Prepaid services customers

The FlexiLimit service cannot be used with the prepaid service. You can control your calls by setting up the Messages to display service with which you will get information on all voice, SMS, MMS, and data services.

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