What is the Minimum Monthly Spending Limit and how is it calculated?

  • The Minimum Monthly Spending Limit is an amount you are committed to pay every month if you have entered into a contract with preferential conditions (preferential price for services or preferential price for a modem) with us.
  • Each month, you must spend this amount for Vodafone services - either for pay monthly plans or any services beyond.
  • The Minimum Monthly Spending Limit is always linked to a specific number, i.e. not to the whole customer account.
  • If you do not manage to spend enough in a respective month, we will charge you the difference in your Bill in order to reach the amount of your monthly commitment.
  • The Minimum Monthly Spending Limit is not available for prepaid services. If you are interested in a more favourable tariff, phone or tablet purchased on an instalment plan or a more favourable modem price, we recommend to switch to tariff services.

The Minimum Monthly Spending Limit (MSL) is stipulated in your contract and is different from the regular monthly tariff fee. Usually, the monthly tariff fee is higher, so you do not have to worry about meeting your MSL. For example: with the Red Standard tariff for CZK 871 / month, the Minimum Monthly Spending Limit is set to CZK 790. Because the monthly tariff fee is higher, your (MSL) commitment is fulfilled automatically.

Where can I find the amount of the Minimum Monthly Spending Limit if I have entered into a contract?

  1. on the website vodafone.cz/muj/en/ - My account - Contract and instalments,
  2. in the My Vodafone App - in the My Account - Contract menu (if the services are linked to your birth identification number).

The Self Care and the app also include information on the contract performance in the current billing period and the term of the contract.

What fees are included in the Minimum Monthly Spending Limit?

What fees are included?

  • spending for Vodafone services - tariffs, bundles, calls, SMS and MMS beyond the tariff
  • roaming services
  • data services

What fees are not included?

  • Payments to third parties (Premium SMS and Audiotex services)
  • Vodafone Instalments
  • penalties and credit notes

Corporate customers under a framework contract

As a corporate customer under a framework contract you have agreed to spend a certain total amount for Vodafone services in each billing period. This commitment is called a Minimum Monthly Commitment.

  • We monitor the fulfilment of the commitment once every 3 months.
  • If the commitment is not met, we will charge you for the difference between the amount specified in your contract and the amount spent for the relevant period monitored.
  • The amount of your Minimal Monthly Commitment is stipulated in your framework contract.

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