What is an IP address and does Vodafone offer IPv6?

  • IP address is the basic identifier of every computer connected to the Internet. However, other devices can also have an IP address – for example, your mobile phone or tablet.
  • Every web server also has an IP address, but fortunately you don't have to remember it because DNS servers know it. Just type www.vodafone.cz in the address bar, and the DNS server will check that this site is located at IP address and send the site load request to where it should go.
  • The IP address is given in the form of a unique numeric code, which can look like this:
  • You can find out your current IP address and the IP protocol used when you visit www.mojeip.cz. If you have a dynamic IP address, your IP address will change over time. In the case of a static IP address, it remains the same.

What are IPv4 and IPv6 protocols?

  • The Internet Protocol - commonly called IP - is a set of agreed standards that define the way the Internet works. It was officially introduced in 1982 and ensures that the technical rules on which the Internet is based are the same worldwide.
  • IPv6 (Internet Protocol Version 6) is a new generation of Internet Protocol numbers and is essentially an improvement over IP version 4 (IPv4).
  • You can distinguish an IPv4 address and an IPv6 address at first glance. Example of IPv4 address is, example of IPv6 address is 2001:0db8:85a3:08d3:1319:8a2e:0370:7334.

Under what circumstances will I receive an IPv6 address at Vodafone?

  • We support IPv6 throughout our fixed and mobile network. If possible, your device will be assigned an IPv6 address.
  • IPv6 operates in dual-stack mode (dual-stack lite for a fixed coaxial network), meaning that the device receives both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses at the same time, and if the device does not support IPv6, it will only receive an IPv4 address. So you don't have to worry about the connection not working.
  • If you are using a static IP address or want to use the modem in bridge mode, you must always have the IPv4 protocol set.

The authentication web page says I don't have IPv6, how can I change it?

You can easily test if you have an IPv6 connection by opening this web page. If you don't have an IPv6 address, the reasons may be:

  • You are using a static IP address with us - we only provide this with IPv4.
  • The device you are using (modem, phone, tablet…) only supports IPv4 - in this case, you are automatically using IPv4 for your connection to work properly.
  • You don't have IPv6 enabled on your device - you need to enable IPv6 support on some modems, phones and other devices. See your device's manual for information. On Android phones, editing the Settings - Mobile Networks - APN internet to select "IPv4/IPv6" in the access point protocol, if available, can help.
  • Your phone or tablet downloads network settings automatically and does not yet have settings for IPv6 ready for it - this type of setting is used by Apple devices, but also Android devices (Samsung and other brands). In this case you need to wait, carrier settings updates happen several times a year. As soon as the new settings are downloaded, you will have IPv6 available.

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