How much does it cost to call, text or send MMS abroad?

  • The prices of calls and SMS are easily traceable in this overview. Select the country where the number you want to call originates from and pick one of our tariffs.
  • If you want to make more advantageous calls to EU countries, select the My EU service.
  • If you want to make more advantageous call to 1 selected country, choose the My Country service.
  • SMS sent abroad will cost you CZK 1.73 (countries from Region 1) or CZK 2.52 (other countries), MMS costs CZK 6.55.

To call or send SMS and MMS, your credit must be sufficient or it must not be blocked by the FlexiCeiling. If your credit doesn't suffice for at least 1 minute of call, the contact will not be made.

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