How are free units transferred?

Free units are transferred in:

  • voice,
  • SMS,
  • MMS bundles.

Free units are not transferred in data bundles and unlimited bundles.

How are free units transferred at the end of the billing period?

  • Unused free units from voice, SMS and MMS bundles are transferred at the end of each billing period to the following billing period.
  • First you use the newly acquired units and then the transferred ones.
  • If you do not use up the transferred units they will not be transferred again.

Example: Out of the voice bundle of 125 minutes you have used 100 minutes by the end of the billing period. So there are 25 free minutes left, which we will transfer to the following period. First you will be using the new 125 minutes. After having used them up you will start using the transferred 25 minutes. After you have used up the new as well as the transferred units we will charge you for minutes according to the normal rates of the active bundle. If you do not use the transferred 25 minutes they will not be transferred again. The remaining units out of the new 125 minutes will be transferred to the following billing period.

Are free units transferred upon cancellation of a bundle?

When you cancel a bundle we recommend using all remaining free units by the end of the billing period. Unused free units cannot be transferred.

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